Co-op Proposals

Co-op proposals' purpose is to offer grants in Seeds to support regenerative initiatives to thrive and to include Seeds in their economic and value flow.

Anyone can create a Co-op proposal, and this page aims to empower you to make a successful one, just follow the steps 👣

1. Take the Quiz Game!

Ready to learn by playing? In the Co-op quiz game, you'll learn all the most important aspects of creating a Co-op proposal, and gauge your understanding of it. Give it a go, and let's see how well you score!

2. Deck & Q&A

Here you can (hopefully) find all the answers to your questions about Co-op proposals.

3. Get inspired

Below you find different examples of successful Campaign and Alliance Proposals for different fields of work and regeneration.


Activating the Portuguese Regenerative Ecosystem

Reforesting 1.7ha of land purchasing trees and rewarding the volunteers

Seeds for the participants and speakers of the online event Re:build


An event platform for regenerative initiatives

Empowering female entrepreneurs

Empowering Swiss local food producers

4. The Template

Finally, it's time to start writing! We invite you to use this template to be sure to present all the information needed for the citizens to learn about your Proposal.

5. Proposal Nursery

Once you have something drafted, join the Proposal Nursery call where an experienced facilitator will support you to improve your proposal and answer all your questions.

6. See YOU on Discord!

We hope that this page has empowered you to make your own proposal! For any question, or to stay in the loop of all that is going on with the Co-op proposals you can join the Discord channel